Bonk Books
The internet home of author Cas Bonk

Investigating Eternal Existence
Through the Duality of Human Nature


Investigating Eternal Existence
Investigating Eternal Existence
ISBN 978-1-9487-3838-5

Science claims that you are a strictly physical being. But scientific medical research has proven that reincarnation is real, which confirms that you have a soul and a body.

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    You will never die. Your body will, but you will live forever. You may even return for another lifespan on earth. Scientific medical research has proven the reality of reincarnation. That proves that a human soul leaves a deceased body, retaining its mind, memory, free will, and emotional ability, and after a residence in an afterlife reenters a new body. The same person leaves one personality and becomes another personality in a new earthly presence. Your soul never dies. What does that mean for your understanding of your life's meaning?

Find out who you really are, an eternal person and an earthly personality; why you are here, to prepare for etermity; and where you are going when you die. You should know this because it is true for all living humans regardless of religious beliefs or secular apathy. This is scientific reality, not religious belief or faith.

Science claims that you are a strictly physical being. But scientific medical research has proven that reincarnation is real, which confirms that you have a soul and a body. Find the answers in this book: Do You Wonder: Who You Are? Why You Are Here? Where You Are Going? You Should!

Atheism's Dilemma
Problems for a Baseless Ideology

If the Spirit is Real, What is Atheism?


Atheism's Dilemma
Atheism's Dilemma
ISBN 978-1-6802-8333-4

With a baseless ideology, what will atheism do to continue as a viable belief? This is Atheism's Dilemma!

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    Atheism's rebellion against spirituality is doomed to eventual irrelevance because scientific research has verified metaphysical reality. The human soul with an afterlife, as part of this reality, makes earthly death a gateway to an eternal existence rather than an end of human existence. This creates atheism's dilemma, of accepting or rejecting this reality, by dismantling atheistic dogmatic ideology.

Atheistic ideology denies the reality of the human soul, an afterlife, and God's existence. But scientifically researched evidence of reincarnation proves that there is a soul that can separate from the body at earthly death, retaining its mind, memory, and free will of the previous life, and enter another body during its pregnancy. Over two thousand researched cases have verified reincarnation, in which physical evidence combined with verified claims of the previous lives connect the two lives. Therefore, reincarnation refutes the atheistic ideology, with spiritual reality greatly increasing the probability of God's existence. With a baseless ideology, what will atheism do to continue as a viable belief? This is Atheism's Dilemma!

Descartes Was Right!
Souls Do Exist and Reincarnation Proves It

Modern Dualism: The Truth of Reincarnation and the Soul


Descartes Was Right!back cover
Descartes Was Right!
ISBN 978-1-4269-2498-9 (hard bound)
ISBN 978-1-4269-2497-2 (soft cover)

Scientific research has proven the existence of reincarnation. The scientific community, however, refuses to take the next step away from the physical to see that this proves the existence of the soul.

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For more information, or to order online, visit Trafford Publishing:
   Trafford Publishing.

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    In his latest philosophical examination, Descartes Was Right! Souls Do Exist and Reincarnation Proves It, author and student of metaphysics Casimir J. Bonk exposes the scientific evidence of the reality of reincarnation, verifies the resulting reality of the spiritual soul in each human being and compares his metaphysical position to the current scientific perspective that denies these truths.

Through analyses of the contradictory viewpoints and comparisons of scientists, philosophers and academicians coupled with his critical comments and conclusions, Bonk finally presents the physical evidence necessary to determine the intangible entity called the soul and how that reality defines the nature and behavior or every living human being. Contrary to popular belief, the brain is not the sole explanation behind human thought and behavior.

Employing the dualism philosophy of Ren� Descartes, the 17th century French philosopher who initiated the debate, Bonk continues to examine the unexplainable behavior of the physical body as well as the migration of the spiritual soul from one deceased body to a newborn, making the recollection of �past lives� a verified fact. Scientists try to deny the existence of the soul without supporting evidence and downplay the validity of reincarnation, ignoring the scientifically researched reports. However, with the realization that a mind with a memory cannot be physical, as they claim, and with the evidence demonstrated by reincarnated subjects, a true marriage of science and metaphysics that could enrich both is possible.

Whether you�re a neuroscientist, a neurophilosopher, a psychologist, a psychiatrist, a cognitive scientist, a philosopher, or just a skeptic questioning the arguments and premises, Bonk�s insightful and interesting Descartes Was Right! provides the evidence, support, and expertise to demonstrate the existence of the soul and the validity of reincarnation in the modern world.

What If...   In a Rental Car

A Guide in the Search for the Meaning of Life


What if...? in a Rental Carback cover
What if...? In a Rental Car
ISBN 1-4120-2382-3 (soft cover)

An unusual and challenging approach searches objectively for the meaning of life in a commonsense presentation. When you, the driver (soul), turn in the Rental Car (body) at the end of the earth trip, will you be ready for the next trip into eternity?

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For more information, or to order online, visit Trafford Publishing:
   Trafford Publishing.

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    What is life all about? Who am I? Why am I here? Where am I going? To answer these questions, a search for the meaning of life is essential. How does one perform such a search which must be objective to be meaningful? This guide takes the reader on an imaginary trip in search of the answers, urging participation with questions and opinions to individualize the answers.

Defining the meaning of life is the problem to be solved for peace of mind. A method based on engineering principles is used to solve this philosophical problem. A what if format analyzes the pros and cons of the existence of a soul, a hereafter, God and the divinity of Christ, to evaluate the consequences of acceptance or denial on the approach to life. Flow diagrams are used to explain the interaction between the physical and spiritual natures of man. Analogies are used to clarify the dualism. An analogy of a trip in a rental car clarifies the relationship of the soul to the human body, and develops the conclusion that only behavior is an allowable discriminatory action in human relations.

Science and the modern culture are reluctant to admit and deal with a spiritual universe, thereby denying its existence. The search for life’s meaning must include the spiritual issues to integrate their effects on the physical existence of the universe and human beings. A concept of the Big Picture with original views completes the trip. It proposes how the spiritual and physical forces cooperated in the evolution of the universe from before the Big Bang. This unified and logically compatible approach solves some of the controversial current issues about how we became what we are.

Copyright © 2003- Casimir J Bonk. All rights reserved.         


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